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Date: 03/30/2021

If you have suffered a traffic accident there are a few things you should consider, as depending on the circumstances of the event you may be entitled to compensation.


In this article we will try to advise you on this.


The first thing we should bear in mind before or when making any claim is that there are certain damages that may affect us to a greater or lesser extent. In this case we could suffer injuries or damage of greater or lesser severity, which could in turn lead to days off work (impeding or not impeding), a possible loss of our quality of life (physical or psychological sequelae derived from the accident, for example) and economic losses could also be generated (total loss of the affected vehicle, among others).


It is very important to contact a professional from the beginning as it will often happen that insurance companies try to pay less money than the person or persons affected may be entitled to. For this reason it will always be interesting to have the help of a lawyer who will give you legal advice in order to study the case and thus be able to claim or negotiate a possible compensation from the insurance company. In this sense it is always better to negotiate an out-of-court settlement. In this way we can speed up the process and we will not have to go to court.


– It is very important that we keep all the documentation relating to the accident: photographs of the event itself, including the evolution of the physical damage suffered by the affected parties, as well as all the parts and medical documents, X-rays, treatments followed, etc.


– From that moment on, the most likely thing is that you will make us an offer, which we will accept or not. In the event that we do not accept such an offer or solution to our problem we will always have the option of making a claim through legal channels. If you have any questions about compensation for traffic accidents or any other legal matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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